Aaron Ramsey, before you leave London for Turin, have a little taste of highly dominated defensive Italian football with us. Who better than Naples to serve you the Italian platter filled with unwanted gratitude and physicality.
The Welshman will be squaring off against a tenter opponent and Polish midfielder Piotr Zieliński who is more of a holding midfielder with fairly equipped passing skills. A star in making you may call him, Zieliński is as important for Napoli as Ramsey otherwise.
The creative aptitude of both the between-ers will be put into hot tub only to feel who can handle the heat better. The sheet connecting defence and attack of their respective teams, Ramsey, no doubt is way better than the youngster but you can not ignore Piotr’s talent.
Who will it be to rack up the opponents? The experienced Londoner or The daunting youngster from Naples. Let’s assess a few points!
Aaron Ramsey
Who would have thought that Ramsey will be up against his upcoming arch-rivals so early as this season? None right! Not even Ramsey himself! But here we have for you a Champions League- esque battle in the low-key Europa League.
Aaron Ramsey with all his will would want Napoli to bend down on their knees before his entry to Turin next season. With all the strengths he possesses and I as a Gunner will never be bereft of hope because I visualise him and I only think of possibility.
Ramsey’s ability to focus on what he can do and the ferocity of his desire to win the game for Gunners will work as our 12th man; which it has in almost every game he has played. The player even in time of despair may look challenged but his never give up attitude to take the team up ensures his importance for us.
Ramsey must ensure that we again see a man who pours in all against the defensive wall that will stand in front of him so that we don’t feel the heat in second leg. Let’s hope Ramsey is on his best with focus subtlety on the game, moreover on winning the game.
Piotr Zieliński
The intensity, the rage and the fire of this Polish youngster will be in the top of his anti, something Arsenal would wish doesn’t happen. But you can’t expect a lowly battle against a deadly side, do you?
In such an important game for either teams, we finally will see someone with the ability to fight Ramsey and keep him on the tenterhooks.
If Ramsey is a Snowball, Piotr is a Volcano that erupts. If Ramsey can create chances, Piotr can negate them with his long range shots. If Ramsey can do the impossible, Piotr can achieve the unthinkable. Both are squared off in their respective aspects, the strength of one to be handled by another.
We have a battle up in our hands, one which others would not worry about but for the Gunners, it is do or die time!
MUST READ: Scout Report: Napoli’s Piotr Zielinski | Arsenal target to replace Aaron Ramsey